Everything you need to create your Irresistible Offer in a 
Practical-Spiritual Approach where you...

Deliver Your Genius Work

Create ONE program around your ONE thing for multiple offers & streams of income.

Work Less,
Make More

Leverage your gifts, talent, skills, and experience with a group program. 

Impact Lives, Live Your Purpose

Experience fulfillment serving more people doing what comes easiest to you! 

Here's how it works...

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This 5-module course shows you how to map out a group program that's irresistible to the clients you are here to serve... 

Once you have your signature program, you can repurpose it into a high-end offer or a course.  

Here's what's included:

  • 12 video lessons delivered in 5 Modules 
  • A 50+ page Course Book that includes all the lesson content
  • A step-by-step Action Guide to guide you through the process of creating your signature system
  • BONUS: Craft Your Soul's Calling Story Workbook and other resources to support you "The Goddess Toolkit"(value: $497)
  • BONUS: Weekend Launch Planner to map out your 6-figure launch in a weekend (value: $297)
  • For a limited time only: Recordings of five 2-hour Create & Thrive sessions where I give real-time feedback to students creating their system


All modules are designed for ease of learning. Each module consists of 1-3 short video lessons and 2-3 activities that walk you through the entire process of creating your signature system, and how to market and sell it. All lessons are accessible in a private membership site where you have lifetime access. Here's some of what you'll learn...

Module 1 
Align with Your Passion

Design an irresistible Signature System around your gifts, talents, and purpose.

• Find clarity on what clients want 

• Map out your process in steps

• Do what you love!   

Module 2

Believe in Your Power

Position your program to reflect your leadership and attract your ideal clients.

• Find clarity on your Secret Sauce 

• Position yourself as the expert 

• Identify your ideal target market

Module 3

Create on Purpose

Craft value-based messaging to market and sell your group program.

• Craft a stand-out title for your offer 

• Create a brand around your system 

• Add value-packed delivery methods


Use this section to highlight specific details about your company or products.

Module 4

Deliver Your Program

Package up your program so it's ready
to fill and generates income.

• Create content that gets results

• Determine your pricing strategy

• Learn effective teaching strategies

Module 5

Expand and Scale

Turn your system into multiple streams
of income at every access level.

• Develop an aligned marketing strategy

• Launch your group program

• Create a funnel of upsells & downsells!



All the content put together in a convenient Course Book for easy reference. (VALUE: $197)


Each week you'll get 2-3 activities to work through to create your system to ensure it is a success! (VALUE: $97)


BONUS! An easy to follow step-by-step planner to map out your 6-figure launch in a weekend. This alone is worth what you pay for the entire course!
(VALUE: $297)

Who am I and what makes me different than the rest?

If you're an entrepreneur you need an irresistible offer to get to 6 or 7 figures. I've been helping my clients create signature offers around their highest level soul gifts since 2014. I've found that it's more about serving with their purpose, than it is about generating income, but that's a huge part of it! So, I created a program with the focus on packaging your Goddess Gifts in the most efficient way to deliver them to get a result for your clients. It's about helping you to 'Unleash Your Inner Goddess to Play Full Out and Fully Expressed.' 

I'm Carol Ann DeSimine, Head Goddess at align.believe.create on-purpose coaching. Here's my story and why I created this.

I started out in 2006 serving small business owners ONE at a time creating print marketing and publications. I was successful, but ended up working so hard it felt like a J.O.B. and I hit a financial ceiling.

Then, I heard that I could leverage my worth by serving more people with what I know, not just with what I do. I packaged what I had been doing, along with what I'd learned with my M.A. in Public Relations and created my first online signature system, The Sizzle System of Personal Branding, where I taught others to brand and market their business. You know the saying, "Teach someone how to fish...."

It changed my life! I started attracting clients from around the world with my new online business! But, after a few of years I fell out of alignment, again, when I realized I was still serving from my Zone of Excellence, not my Zone of Purpose. 

I set out on a journey of inner excavation to discover what my soul was calling me to do. In finding my own purpose, I created a process to help women find theirs. I 'reset to zero' and got back to a simpler way - The Goddess Way.

Now, I want to teach you how to leverage your worth and live your purpose. I'm sharing my wisdom - as a spiritual business strategist and creative - in a course that takes you through the process of creating a signature system around what comes easiest to you... and creating more income by serving others in a way that is easy, meaningful, and fun! 

  • Goddess55 Publishing

    “I have worked with plenty of coaches and mentors before, both in my personal and in my professional life. However, Carol Ann's mentorship style is guiding me to get better and quicker results. Her expertise is enabling me to feel empowered as I move into growing my coaching practice.”

    Author, Love Life Again

  • Goddess55 Publishing

    “I recommend working with Carol Ann if you are looking for clarity and simplicity. She will pare the pile of loose ends down to a beautiful simple idea that fits you perfectly and people will buy it.”

    Founder, Angels of Abundance Ascension Academy

  • Goddess55 Publishing

    “What I especially like about working with Carol Ann is that she has such a knack for knowing when I need to be pushed and when I need to be encouraged. She saw my greatness from the get-go, and constantly spoke into that. This allowed me to create it for myself and step fully into my own success.”

    Author & Workshop Facilitator

Frequently Asked Questions

Please email if you have any other questions.

Who is this program for?

Anyone who wants to create an online program around your gifts, talents, and purpose. If you're  on a mission to make an impact and make a difference, this will help you to serve more people and leverage your time and worth.

It's best for coaches, authors, and conscious entrepreneurs who are used to getting results for their clients by taking them through a specific process. 

If you've been coaching clients 1:1 and are working too hard and have hit a financial ceiling this is a way for you to serve more people in a one-to-many model.  

What can I expect when I purchase?

This is a digital course where you learn at your own pace. You'll receive the entire program at once, including 5 modules, each with 2-3 recorded trainings of 10- to 20-minutes in length for easy learning. Each lesson has 2-3 activities that take you step by step through the process. 

Why such savings?

I want to see every soul-based entrepreneur serve with her gifts, talents and experience. An irresistible offer is the basis of every successful business, and a signature program provides a simplified approach to getting to 6 or 7 figures. As part of Your Best Year Yet Giveaway, I'm making this available at gigantic savings to show my appreciation for requesting 10 Ingredients of an Irresistible Offer. Those apply here to for your leveraged group program! 

Can I really expect to make 6 figures with this course?

A signature system is the basis of many 6- and 7-figure businesses. Many factors ensure success... having an engaged audience, a dialed in message, and marketing to sell your program. The typical business owner will launch several times before seeing 6 figures, and the weekend launch planner walks you through that process. So, it is highly possible, as long as you follow the process. We firmly believe there is no such thing as a get-rich-quick scheme and a business needs to go through the proper stages to sustain success.

You've been in the game for too long for it to be so hard. Why not simplify your business and leverage your passion and purpose, for more prosperity and joy!